Broadstairs with 8th-graders in July 2016

It has been a while since we’ve come back from Broad­s­tairs. Nevert­hel­ess I want to tell you here what an exci­ting trip it was. 

On July 10th we met at 4:45 in the mor­ning at the Regens­burg sta­tion. Our bus came punc­tually and we left Regens­burg around 5 a.m. Our trip through Ger­many and Bel­gium to the ferry-harbor in Calais, France, took 13 hours. In Calais unfort­u­na­tely the fer­ries kept us wai­ting for wha­te­ver reasons and it took until 9:30 p.m. when we were finally allo­wed to board the ship. Many of us had never seen a ferry before. They were sur­pri­sed that a huge bus was allo­wed to travel by ship. On the ferry ever­y­body enjoyed wal­king around and strol­ling through the Duty-Free shop­ping mall. 

The drive from Dover to Broad­s­tairs took us only 60 minu­tes. Hans Bauer, our bus driver, really knows his way around Kent. In Broad­s­tairs all stu­dents were picked up by their host fami­lies and brought to the places they would stay for the next 7 nights. We were all happy to rest stret­ched out in our nice beds.

On the next mor­ning ever­y­body went to the KSE, the Kent School of Eng­lish. Here the tea­chers and stu­dents met sepa­ra­tely for all orga­niza­tio­nal work. The stu­dents had to take a pla­ce­ment test which set the groups they were taught in. After the first mor­ning class we all met at the Clock Tower at the beach. Ever­yone recei­ved their food vou­ch­ers so they could stroll through Broad­s­tairs and find their lunch meals in the dif­fe­rent food shops. In the after­noon we were pre­sen­ted a video about typi­cal Eng­lish habits and rules and after­wards we met for a Broad­s­tairs Quiz. The evening pro­gram was going to the disco and having fun together. 

On Tues­day after mor­ning class and lunch in down­town Broad­s­tairs our bus drove us to the West­wood Cross shop­ping centre. Ever­y­body was allo­wed to shop at their favo­rite stores. In the evening we met at the beach for a bar­be­cue and for beach games like vol­ley­ball, boule, soccer, etc.

The Wed­nes­day mor­ning class was alre­ady some­thing ever­y­body had looked for­ward to. The Eng­lish les­sons in small groups meant that ever­y­body got to speak and improve his or her lan­guage skills. After lunch break we met to drive to the city of Can­ter­bury. There we got a guided tour through the old town centre and once more there was some free time to go shop­ping and stroll around. In the evening we met for Barn Dance in a nice pub. There was live music and lots of dancing and fun together. 

On Thurs­day, after the mor­ning les­sons and the lunch time, we visi­ted Mar­gate, ano­ther town in the area. It is very dif­fe­rent to Broad­s­tairs. We went bow­ling there. In the evening time, after dinner at our host fami­lies, we went to the KSE for a cul­ture quiz. 

On Friday we had our last Eng­lish les­sons. We rea­li­zed that the week went by very quickly. In the after­noon we all met at Wel­les­ley House. This is a beau­tiful brick house which nor­mally func­tions as an elite boar­ding school. Because the Bri­tish had alre­ady star­ted their summer holi­days  we were allo­wed to use all faci­li­ties of the boar­ding school. There were many opti­ons to choose from: archery, foot­ball, vol­ley­ball, tennis, arts and crafts, drama, table tennis or swim­ming. It was a lovely after­noon out­side with lots of acti­vi­ties. In the evening the KSE-team pre­sen­ted their Caba­ret in the Wel­les­ley House. 

On Satur­day we left Broad­s­tairs early to drive to London. We went to Green­wich to take the boat on the Thames River from there to down­town London. We went by famous places such as the Golden Globe Theatre, the Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, the Shard of Glass and many more. In the City of West­mins­ter, directly at the Houses of Par­lia­ment, the boat stop­ped and we went out for a guided tour through the most famous part of London. We saw the Eliza­beth Tower, the West­mins­ter Abbey, Dow­ning Street, Buck­ing­ham Palace and the Pic­ca­dilly Circus. Here ever­y­body was allo­wed to stroll around the area in groups of three-five stu­dents. Of course ever­y­body enjoyed the famous shops around there. When we finally rea­ched the bus we were happy to rest our feet on our trip home to Broadstairs. 

On Sunday mor­ning, July 17th, our bus left very early to get to Dover quickly and to reach one of the first fer­ries across the Eng­lish Chan­nel. Our trip home went smoothly and there were hardly any traf­fic jams. We thought we would arrive at 9 p.m. but then – in the last hour – we got stuck in traf­fic after Neu­markt and so we only rea­ched Regens­burg at mid­night. We were all happy to be at home again. But we also were full of great memo­ries from our seven-day-trip to England. 

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