Broadstairs im Juli 2017

Auch im Juli 2017 hatten 36 Schü­ler der 8. Klas­sen, beglei­tet von den zwei Lehr­kräf­ten Frau Garcia und Frau Bauer, die Gele­gen­heit, eine unver­gess­li­che Woche in Broad­s­tairs (Kent) zu verbringen. 

Deut­lich vor der übli­chen Sonn­tag­mor­gen-Auf­steh­zeit mach­ten wir uns mit Bus­fah­rer Hans und seinem Sohn Alex auf den Weg nach Eng­land. Nach der Durch­que­rung dreier euro­päi­scher Länder und der Vor­bei­fahrt an Frank­furt, Speyer, Köln und Brüs­sel erreich­ten wir den Fähr­ha­fen in Calais. Wäh­rend der Über­fahrt nach Dover erleb­ten wir einen wun­der­schö­nen Son­nen­un­ter­gang an Deck. Weiter ging es auf der linken Stra­ßen­hälfte nach Broad­s­tairs, wo wir von unse­ren Gast­fa­mi­lien schon erwar­tet wurden.

Am nächs­ten Morgen begann der Alltag mit einem tra­di­tio­nel­len Bri­tish-Break­fast in den Gast­fa­mi­lien. In der Kent School of Eng­lish (KSE) star­te­ten wir um 08:45 Uhr mit einem Briefing.

From that moment on Eng­lish was the only allo­wed common language.

For effi­ci­ent lear­ning all stu­dents where ranked into five levels accor­ding to their Eng­lish skills. Most of us were level three and four, which shows the qua­lity of Eng­lish les­sons at our Bava­rian home school. Stu­dents from Spain, Italy and else­where in Ger­many shared the les­sons with us in small groups in the com­for­ta­ble classrooms. 

The day was sepa­ra­ted into the fol­lo­wing slots:
Mor­ning: 09:00 – 12:00 School
After­noon: 14:00 – 17:00 Activity 
Evening: 20:00 – 22:00 Activity 

Here are some examp­les of the daily spe­cial after­noon and evening activities:

  • Barn Dance
  • Obser­va­tion Quiz
  • Seve­ral sports at Wel­les­ley House
  • Trip to Canterbury
  • Beach party
  • Disco
  • Karaoke
  • Coas­tal Walk

Cer­tainly the most impres­sive event was the trip to London, the capi­tal of Eng­land, United King­dom and the seat of the royal family. 

First we made a boat trip on the river Thames through London start­ing at Green­wich, then along the docks and under the Tower Bridge. There we could see the Tower of London. We con­tin­ued on pas­sing the Globe Thea­ter, the Shard of Glass, the London Eye and finally we landed at West­mins­ter Bridge, directly beside the Houses of Par­lia­ment. Our drop-off point was very close to famous sights like the Eli­sa­beth Tower, West­mins­ter Abbey and the royal parks like St. James’s Park. There we star­ted a guided sight-seeing-tour in groups with a dozen stu­dents to spe­cial points of inte­rest like Buck­ing­ham Palace. After our tour was com­ple­ted at Tra­fal­gar Square we had about three to four hours to go shop­ping. Many of us ate spe­cial foods and we got a great impres­sion of the huge and crow­ded city. 

Once again early on Sunday mor­ning we left our “Eng­lish home” and the nice host fami­lies to start the jour­ney back to Regens­burg. In the evening we arri­ved at the rail­way sta­tion where our par­ents picked us up.

Das war die Happy Story unse­rer Eng­land­fahrt, welche man nur wei­ter­emp­feh­len kann.

Geschrie­ben von Maja Lin­ge­ner, 8a

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