Our time in Broadstairs 2018

Sunday July 7, to Sunday July 14, 2018

Our first day (Sunday):

We arri­ved there at 19:00 o’clock and our host family was alre­ady wai­ting for us. We didn’t do much, we only unpa­cked und talked a little bit with the host family.

On Monday:
We went to school and had to write a test, to check our level of Eng­lish. It was easy for most of us. After the test – just like every fol­lo­wing day – we had a break from 12:15 to 14:00 o’clock. Our tea­cher gave us the food vou­ch­ers for our daily lunch. At 2 pm we had to meet at the Clock Tower on the beach, because we had a city quiz. We also wat­ched a film about how to stay safe in Eng­land. After the quiz we went to our host fami­lies for dinner. We stayed home from 5 pm to 8 pm, then we had Barn Dance Evening at Wel­les­ley House till 10 pm.

On Tues­day:
We went to school, had our lunch break with some free time in Broad­s­tairs and after that we gathe­red again to have a catch-up class for three hours. Later we had dinner at our host fami­lies. After that we went to the disco from 8 pm to 10 pm. It was amazing.

On Wed­nes­day:
It took us two hours to go to London by bus. We took the Thames boat trip there and saw the Tower Bridge and other important sights. We also had a city tour with the KSE guides. Mrs Garcia made a chall­enge: Who will shoot the best pic­ture of a pink taxi. After the city tour we had two hours of free time. We met again to go home at the Tra­fal­gar Square. We took the boat back to Green­wich and the bus back to Broad­s­tairs. It was one of my best days.

On Thurs­day:
Once more we had school with our lunch break. After that our pro­gram said: „Costal walk to Rams­gate (6 km)“ and it was so beau­tiful. At first we had to walk along the cliffs but on our way back we walked along the beach – bare­foot in the sand. After the family dinner we met at in the evening for „Sin­ga­long“ with Nigel at Bap­tist Church Broadstairs.

On Friday:
We had the last time of Eng­lish school. Our tea­cher was really sad about it but it was time. We had our nice lunch break and after that an acti­vity-after­noon at the Wel­les­ley House. It was really cool and we all enjoyed it. After that we went to our host fami­lies and had dinner. Then we had the beach party and it was really fun, because we all danced. The water was really cold and it was dark when the party ended. I was pretty sad about it. So we all went back to the host fami­lies and went to sleep.

On Satur­day:
In the mor­ning we drove to Can­ter­bury. We also had a city tour with the KSE guides. It was really inte­res­t­ing. Then we had a lot of free time. It was nice but also quite long. We were really sad because it was the last day in Eng­land. But we all really had fun.

On Sunday:
We met at 6 am. I was really tired and sad that we had to leave. I really miss my host family. I hope I can see them again.

Finally I really want to thank Miss Garcia and Miss Jäger for this incre­di­ble time in Eng­land. It was one of the best times in my life. I would defi­ni­tely go on this trip again.

Fran­ce­sca Jasmin, 9b

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